What I learned from losing my voice
For as long as I can remember I have lost my voice every year…
Yep, every year.
And I hate it.
As a singer and a teacher, I depend on my voice, so I find it hard when this time of year comes round. I tell my students how to look after their voices, but when it comes to my own voice I know I push it a bit too far.
So this year I wanted to do it differently. I started losing my voice over the weekend - and I attended a wedding, so the late night and loud talking didn’t help! Monday came round and I had my lessons lined up. Now was the test - do I teach despite my throat being on fire or do I cancel my lessons and give myself time to recover?
Although I wanted to push through, I did what I knew was right - I cancelled.
It was time to walk the walk and actually take steps to look after my voice!
Being around other voice teachers, I’ve picked up different ways that I can care for my voice when sick. So I spent time doing these things (or avoiding other things), and 2 days on, I can feel the difference and I know cancelling my lessons was the right thing to do.
So I wanted to leave you with an encouragement:
If you need time to rest and let your voice recover - that’s OKAY!
Don't push through the sickness, take the time to heal.
And stay tuned - I’m gonna share some tips to look after your voice when you’re sick.
Stay posted!