Why you SHOULDN’T always sound pretty when singing
Embracing the ugly. It's a phrase that might seem counterintuitive, even unsettling, especially when it comes to something as subjective as singing. Yet, it's a mantra that has become a fundamental principle in my teaching approach - I’m genuinely considering having it as a big old sign above the mirror in my studio!
Not too long ago, I found myself once again advising a student to give up trying to sound pretty during our exercises - ‘make it nastier’, ‘make it dumber’. Now, you might be wondering, why would a singing instructor ever tell their students not to sound nice? Let me take a step back and explain my reasoning behind this crazy phrase!
When new students walk through the doors of my studio, I observe and analyse their natural vocal tendencies. Often, I encounter various challenges, such as excessive breathiness, excessive vocal weight, or a struggle to connect their head and chest voices. To address these issues effectively, I give them an exercise that involves employing the opposite of their vocal tendencies, which often involves them using what I call an "Unfinished Sound," which some might consider "ugly" or unconventional.
At this point, you might be wondering why I would encourage my students to embrace sounds that might be deemed unattractive. Imagine learning to ride a bicycle with training wheels - the initial experience might not be as graceful or polished, but those training wheels provide essential support and stability, right?! Similarly, the unfinished sounds act as training wheels for singers, providing the extra help and support they need to achieve their vocal goals.
In a way, it's like finding a sense of equilibrium in their vocal journey. Just like how training wheels help a new rider find balance on a bike, these unfinished sounds enable my students to find balance within their own voices. The ugly sounds serve as a tool to hone their skills, to strengthen their vocal muscles, and to develop a profound understanding of their instrument. When put that way, why wouldn’t you want to use unfinished sounds?!
The irony lies in the fact that when singers try too hard to sound pretty from the outset, they inadvertently create even greater obstacles in their path towards achieving a balanced voice. By resisting the unfinished sounds, they miss out on an invaluable opportunity to expedite their progress and improve their vocal skills.
Now, I understand that embracing the ugly might be a daunting prospect for some! After all, we live in a world that places great emphasis on appearances and perfection, so sounding ugly is a big no! Yet, it's essential to recognise that the pursuit of beauty, both in life and in singing, can sometimes hinder growth and development.
Now, you’ll be pleased to hear that I assure my students that the phase of embracing the ugly is not a permanent state! They will sound “pretty” in the end. Unfinished sounds are merely a stepping stone towards achieving vocal balance. As they persist in practicing with unfinished sounds, their vocal abilities grow, and they start to achieve the balance they seek.
So, the next time you step into my studio or any other singing class, remember this: EMBRACE THE UGLY. Allow yourself to make those unfinished sounds, and know that they are the keys to unlocking your vocal potential!
So singers, remember that your voice is a unique instrument, and embracing its imperfections is the path to true growth and artistry. So, don't shy away from the ugly; rather, embrace it wholeheartedly and watch your voice flourish like never before. The journey may be challenging, but it is in embracing the ugly that you'll find the most beautiful and authentic version of your voice.