Why I don’t make New Year resolutions…
December 30th. Only 1 more day of 2023.
It has been a wild year for me. I launched my singing studio, my website, dove into the world of starting your own business, had a baby (that’s my favourite thing of this year!) - it’s been such an adventure.
And so with 1 more day of this year left, it’s normal to start thinking about 2024 and those good old (or stressful and pressure filled) new year resolutions. But this is when I tell you - i’m not making any new year resolutions! And you don’t have to either.
A resolution is a firm decision to do or not to do something. No that’s all well and good, but the pressure to keep up with a resolution is all too real now and I know that I feel awful every time i “fail” at my resolution. So how did I change that? I decided to set INTENTIONS instead.
What do i INTEND to do in 2024? That is the question I ask myself. Low stress, no big pressure, but positive and encouraging mindset. Intentions can be powerful! An intention is a thing intended; an aim or plan.
It’s not that different, but the slight mindset change helps set me up for success rather than for failure.
So when it comes to your New Year Intentions as a singer - here’s a few things you can think of!
1. Find out what YOUR voice needs for growth! Having a non-spepcific goal or intention can leave you feeling confused and uncertain on how to work towards it. So get specific!
2. Set yourself some exciting goals!
Make your goals exiting, not just hard work! You’ll feel more motivated and enjoy working towards them far more!
3. Plan in some check in times.
It’s easy to miss how you’ve been growing and how far you have come as a singer. So having a way to check in regularly keeps you encouraged! Maybe record yourself singing the same song at different points in the years?
3. Give yourself something that is a slight challenge - you can do more than you think!
Whether it’s an open mic, a small concert for friends, joining the worship team or an audition - do one thing that may be challenging! Because you will feel amazing afterwards and it will encourage you for the whole year and years to come !
4. Focus on YOU and YOUR journey - this may sound like no. 1 - but this is more a mindset thing. Don’t let comparison rob you of the joy and excitement of singing. Make 2024 a positive and enjoyable year!
I hope these help you, and I look forward to setting New Year Intentions with you!